Hey there! New week, new breakfast creations, am I right? Well in my case I am, the days are getting colder and shorter in Switzerland and yes I am still a true smoothie-bowl-aholic… I know that is not a word, but as learnt in my linguistics class new words are continuously invented…
Following my parent’s footsteps – Pumpkin kale lasagne
Hey there! If you happen to be following me on Instagram you would have heard about my goal for this autumn, which was to create a delicious veggie lasagne. At first I was going for a creation that resembles an ordinary one as closely as possible yet I then decided that this was rather boring…
Busy week nights and autumn salad experiments – cabbage salad with maple dressing
Hey there! Finally, I am back! University after all isn’t all that easy even though all of my friends who are already working in a full time job keep telling me how my life is supposedly so much easier than theirs… Well how do they know, they haven’t attended university. Anyways all in all I…
When baking cleared my mind and a delicious cake was created – spiced chocolate cake / Magenbrot cake with figs
Hey there! Some people take a hot bath when they’re stressed out and tired, some drink a glass of wine, others go for a run in the forest and I bet there are even a few that just hide under they’re bed covers until they start feeling better. Well I don’t do either of these…
Pumpkin for breakfast? Yes pumpkin for breakfast! – Pumpkin semolina porridge
Hey there! Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin. Fanny loves pumpkin. As a matter of fact Fanny loves pumpkin for every meal of the day. Yes for every single one of them. Even breakfast. What breakfast? That is probably what you’re thinking to yourself, right? Well guess what pumpkin isn’t delicious in savoury dishes like soups and stews…
Should dessert be healthy? – Banana and date oat bars ( added sugar free)
Hey there! I am surely an advocate of real desserts, if I want dessert I genuinely think a tad more sugar or a fat won’t harm you. After all were talking about dessert. A dessert is something special, something you are supposed to have once in a while not every single day after each meal….
A slightly stressed Fanny and more pumpkin – pumpkin coconut dal with a hint of sweetness
Hey there people! Remember two weeks ago we were still eating dinner outside, lying in the sun and even swimming in the lake and now it is already comfort food season. Yummy stews, warming soups, spätzle with red cabbage and last but not least pumpkin, pumpkin everywhere. Not to forget deliciously sweet and juicy figs,…
Rosemary in a cake?! – The blackberry cake with the unexpected ingredient
Hey there! Blackberry season is still going until the end of the month so let’s make the most of those beautiful little sweet things. Add them to oatmeal, smoothies or yoghurt. Eat them in salads or follow my example and go all out and bake a delicious cake. I love baking, I love it very…
Don’t throw away your leftover rice! – Pumpkin and kale rice with a middle eastern twist
Hey there! Who doesn’t know the situation of ordering Thai food one night and then ending up with a ton of leftover rice yet no sauces to go along with them to have another Thai night the following day. I’m sure you’ve all experienced seeing the lonely container of white rice in the far back…
When Autumn’s here and sometimes a smoothie bowl is just too cold of a breakfast- choco coco millet porridge
Hey there! Soon we’ll have to say goodbye to cold and refreshing smoothie bowls and nice cream sundaes and it is going to be hello dear autumn, hello dear foggy mornings, hello dear dark rainy mornings… So to brighten up my least favourite time of the year I love to have a warm comforting breakfast…