Hey there!
So I was recently nominated for two different awards on three separate occasions. After getting the third nomination this morning I decided to finally write this post otherwise I’ll keep getting nominated and in the end I’ll have to bombard you with a hundred questions about myself which you probably wouldn’t find all that interesting.
I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Emilia from www.fliederglueck.blogspot.de as well as by Steff from the blog www.wholesomesteff.com. Then I was also nominated for the Creative Blogger Award by Lucy from www.lucysveganrecipes.com.
So now you’re probably wondering what on earth those awards are. Well first of all those awards are a way to help other small blogs grow. And secondly, this might be a bit more interesting for you, I get to share some facts and answer questions about me. So you’ll get to know a bit more about the person behind all those recipes posted over the past year.
Anyways, for the Liebester Award I have to answer ten questions each, which were asked by the two lovely girls who nominated me. Fort the other award however I just have to share 5 random facts about me. And after having shared all this information about me it will be time to nominated at least 5 other accounts.
So let’s proceed in chronological order.
Emilia has nominated me about 4 weeks ago; so let’s begin with answering her questions.
1.What do you love most about blogging?
- I personally love the creation of a blog post for me cooking and arranging the food as well as photographing the food. I also love how I got to meet so many new people through starting a blog. I realised that there’s a whole community of foodies in Switzerland and the meet-ups are always the best.
2.What do you do in your life when you’re not blogging?
- I am actually still a high school student. At this stage though I am in my final exams of year 13, so I won’t be at school for much longer.
3.How long does it take you to write a post?
- Just the writing part of a blog post creation would probably take me about 30 minutes to 1 hour. It really depends on how much I write and on how many times I reread it prior to posting it. If you’re asking for the whole blog post creation that would approximately be 5 hours when you consider I have to take photos, cook, write and edit.
4.Are you a spontaneous person or do you prefer having everything planned in out?
- I’m actually not quite sure about that one. I can be pretty spontaneous sometimes yet at other times I prefer having a plan. I can honestly not answer this.
5.What’s your favourite food?
- Hmmm that’s a tricky one there… I love pizza, I obsess over acai and green smoothie bowls oh and fresh juicy mangos are just the most amazing things in the whole wide world. Though I also love hummus, everything with eggplant, Thai and Indian food, … There’s honestly so much more I could list here but I guess I’ll leave it at that otherwise we’ll never finish… I just love food!
6.What’s your favourite music?
I actually like all sorts of different music.
The Beatles, well we all know the Beatles don’t we, here comes the sun is my all time favourite song
Milky Chance, a German indie band
Sara Bareilles, American pop singer
Neri Per Caso, Italian accapella band, loving them ever since I was a little girl
The Kooks, British indie rock
Max Herre, German musician (hip hop, Pop, R&B)
Al pride, Swiss Indie pop band
El kuelgue, some Argentinian band my sister told me about
8.What do you do to expand your readership?
- I guess my way of getting the attention to my blog would be my Instagram profile where I am able to post much more frequently than on my Blog.
9.What’s your biggest dream?
- This might sound cheesy but one of my biggest dreams is definitely to be happy. If I am happy everything else around me is in place as well which is what I want in life. And if you’re asking for more materialistic dreams I’d really want to get a master at uni at some stage and I’d love to own a little coffee shop.
10. What’s your favourite breakfast in the morning?
11.How long does it take you to get ready in the morning before school/work?
- I’m one of those people who get up as late as possible. I can be ready in less than 15 minutes yet because I’m also not a big fan of stress because I tend to forget things whenever I have to hurry I like to get up 30-35 minutes before I have to leave.
So those were all the questions asked by Emilia.
After that Lucy nominated me for the creative blogger award.
So here are my five facts.
- I spend two weeks in Tuscany every summer since I can remember and it had been a little ritual of mine to first go to the library and then to my favourite book shop to get at least 13 books I have yet to read so I’ll be able to read one book a day. I hereby confess: I am a bookworm!
- I used to be super scared of dogs until I went on exchange to Australia, where I was basically forced to live in families with dogs for over half of my exchange. I still don’t love dogs, yet I do not walk to the other side of the road anymore, when a dog and his owner are walking towards me.
- It is getting hard to think of something. Hmm. What else could I share? Ah, I’ve got one. My favourite magazine is Annabelle, a Swiss lifestyle magazine, to which I’ve been subscribed to since I was approximately fourteen years old.
- I am a little scared of the future. I find it quite intimidating that I am actually finishing high school soon and I honestly still haven’t got a clue what on earth I want to do with my life. I just always thought by the time you’re twenty you’ll have everything figured out. I wish….
- Not very interesting but it is a fact: I was born on the 15th of June 1995.
And to finish it all off I am now also going to answer the lovely steff’s questions:
1.What’s your favourite childhood movie?
- That’s an easy one, definitely The Parent Trap. I’ve watched this movie a million times and I still love it up to this day. Such a classic!
2.Chocolate or ice cream?
- Hmm, chocolate ice cream? Does that count? Other wise I’ll go with just ice cream in general.
3.List three things you couldn’t live without.
- So since your asking for things I’ll name three objects. There are obviously lots of other much more important things I couldn’t live without, such as people I love. But if I had to name three objects I’d say I couldn’t live without my phone. Yet not for the sake of being connected with the world at all times, much more because I listen to music whenever and wherever. Well right now also my hay fever tablets. Those pollen are killing me at the moment… And for the third one I’d say my glasses, I know not very creative but very true. I mean I need to see something, don’t I and also they’re kind of my signature thing to wear, I mean who else wears round glasses like mine?!
4.What issue do you struggle most with on your health/fitness journey?
- I would say my biggest struggle is to actually let myself be unhealthy or not as clean sometimes without feeling guilty afterwards. I am working on it though and I think I am getting better a letting myself enjoy a treat once in a while.
5. What’s your most used Emoji?
- Probably the monkey who covers his eyes with his hands.
6.What have you learnt about yourself since starting the blog?
- I learnt that I could actually be pretty consistent and passionate about something if so I happen to enjoy it. I never had a hobby I have been so committed to prior to this and I feel great finally being able to say I’ve got something I truly love doing.
7.Favourite piece of clothing at the moment?
- This dress by Spell Byron Bay. I wish they had stockists in Switzerland!
8.If you had to choose between sweet or savoury for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
- Definitely sweet, I could probably life of fruit for the rest of my life. The only thing that keeps me from eating fruit all day long is the fact that I just enjoy cooking way too much.
9.All time favourite TV series?
- Gilmore Girls. Best series ever! I have literally watched the whole series at least three times.
10.Yoga or meditation?
- Definitely Yoga. I discovered this sport about two years ago and I have been loving it ever since. I find it so relaxing yet still challenging. I only started going to classes a year ago after practicing at home before. At first I just went to those classes in a small town close to where I live but then I discovered popupyoga. Deddou the instructor and founder of popupyoga honestly teaches the best classes I have ever been to. She combines great music with awesome flows, which I find the perfect combination.
So after talking about me a hell of a long time I now get on to presenting you my nominees.
I decided to kind of cheat here since I just don’t know as many small blogs. So I made my own rule and decided to just nominate five blogs for both of the awards. I just couldn’t think of anymore, I’m really sorry.
Sylvie , from www.mycookinginstict.com , who I actually started following to practice my French, yet I then realised that she also posts delicious looking recipes with amazing pictures.
Anna, from www.mangoaboutnuts.com , a girl who actually goes to the same school as I do. I always like reading her posts as well as looking at the gorgeous photos she snaps.
Stephie, a fellow Swiss foodie from www.stephanieeats.com , who shares my passion for smoothie bowls and all sorts of other healthy treats.
Another Anna, this time from www.aspoonfulofnature.com , who posts the most beautiful looking recipes and I also love her lookbooks, she’s got a great sense of style that girl!
And last but not least I want to nominate Erica and Gessica from www.sisterscookingfactory. com . Those girls create the most scrumptious looking cakes and other delicious goods. I always love checking out they’re newly created delicacies.
Your ten questions are:
- Why did you start blogging?
- Favourite place in the world?
- What kind of pizza do you order?
- Favourite book?
- What’s your dream job?
- What are your plans for this summer?
- Favourite season and why?
- Where do you go when you feel sad?
- Favourite on the go snack?
So please girls, share 5 facts about you and answer these ten questions and follow the rest of the rules.
Rules for the creative blogger award:
- Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify them via their social media/blogs
- Thank and post the link of the person who nominated you
- Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers
- Pass on the rules.
Rules for the Liebster Award:
- You need to put the Liebster Award image on your blog.
- Thank and tag back to the blog who nominated you.
- Answer the 10 Questions.
- Nominate 8 blogs with less than 200 followers, let them know you’ve nominated them, and link them in your post. No tag-back.
Yaaay I’m finally finished, I think this will be the longest post I’ll ever write.
Thank you so much for the nomination <3 loved reading your answers !! xx