Hello there!
I am Fanny, a twenty-four-year-old student from Switzerland who loves food. I started this blog in May 2014 after I baked a birthday cake for my sister by using my very own recipe. At the time I had been thinking about starting a blog for a while and for some reason it felt like the perfect day back then. Until now I have yet to regret the decision I had made on the 26th of May 2014 after enjoying slice of scrupmtious rhubarb cake.
I am still at university and I am also currently writing my very own cookbook, which was published in Autumn 2017.
Last but not least, I personally always like to know who’s behind those food pictures on the blogs I follow (yes I am a very nosy person) that is why I decided to share a few random facts about me:

Fanny Frey / Swiss food blogger from Zurich
- My name is Fanny, yes this is my actual name and yes Fanny is a name and it is even used in English literature (e.g. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen) So now that the thing about my name is all clear, I’ll go on with some more interesting stuff.
- Through food blogging I discovered my passion for photography. I’ve started out with a Nikon D5100 in 2014 and I started using a Nikon D750, which was kindly given to me by Nikon in Autumn 2018.
- I’ve been a foodie ever since I can remember. I used to be the weird kid who ate at the grown-up table at birthdays and other sorts of parties, cause that’s where they got the real food. I wasn’t impressed by chips and ketchup, I wanted the fancy stuff.
- My favourite cuisine is definitely the Italian one. I just love how they create the most amazing tasting dishes with only few and simple ingredients. I also love Indian, Vietnamese and Japanese food though.
- I love summer. I am one of those people who absolutely can’t stand winter. I sometimes think I live in the wrong country. Seriously I just can’t stand the cold. There’s literally nothing fun about winter. At least in my opinion.
- I am also a student and I am currently getting my Bachelor’s degree in art history.