Ich muss zugeben, dass heutige Gemüse Rezept ist farblich eher uninteressant. Dafür ist die Kombination von süsser Birne und der herb nussigen Pastinake einfach wunderbar. Dazu frischer Rosmarin und man hat eine wunderbare Gemüsebeilage. Die drei Komponenten harmonieren unglaublich gut und passen perfekt zu jeglichen Winter und Herbst Gerichten. Gebackene Pastinaken & Birnen / Rosmarin…
side dish
Gebackener Rosenkohl & Rote Beete / Balsamico / Pekanüsse
Für den zweiten Teil meiner Gemüse Serie verwende ich zwei der umstrittensten Gemüse Sorten. Die einen lieben Sie, die anderen können sie nicht riechen. Rote Beete und Rosenkohl. Ich habe die beiden immer geliebt, jedoch kenne ich so manchen, der sie bis heute nicht ausstehen kann oder zumindest behauptet die beiden Leckereien immer noch nicht…
Kaki & Krautstiel Salat
Es ist bereits Mitte November und die Adventszeit beginnt schon bald und somit werden auch festliche Abendessen häufiger. Als Nicht-Fleisch Esserin bin ich daher oft von den Beilagen abhängig. Deshalb möchte ich mit euch über die nächsten Tage einige leckere Gemüse Beilagen teilen. Den Beginn macht ein Kaki und Krautstiel Salat. Ein unglaublich einfaches, aber…
Mushroom and Thyme Crostini with Vegan Ricotta
Crostini on a whole nother level or what to put on those little toasted slices of bread when tomatoes aren’t in season. Hey there! Is anyone cooking for guest sometime soon? Or are you just planning to have a beautiful meal with your family. Well, then I’ve got the perfect recipe for you: mushroom and…
Cheesy vegan asparagus – my favourite in spring, mmm
Hey there! Aspargus, the most wonderful vegetable in the world, they are finally in season again. I always loved this beautiful long vegetable. I still rememeber when one year we spent our Spring holidays in Tuscany we actually found wild asparagus on the side of the road. They were even better then the ones…
The best baked veggies – beets and carrots
Hey there! Today I will proudly present you one of my favourite side dishes in the whole wide world. It tastes absolutely divine and yet it is so simple to prepare, what a perfect combination! The dish I am talking about today is delicious baked carrots and beets. Whenever I mention baked beets…
A twist on a potato gratin – butternut, sweet potato and rocket
Hey there! Today I’ve got another twist on a classic for you. This post will be about a lightened as well as spiced up version of a classic potato gratin. Usually potato gratin is a side dish being rather on the heavy side and normally eaten during the colder months. Although autumn is approaching…
Quinoa stuffed Baby Capsicums
Hey there! This is another post about the dinner form last Sunday, which I had already mentioned in my recipe of the Berry Semifreddo as well as the Lentil Stew. This time it will all be about the dish I served as an entrée. I made some stuffed baby capsicums and served them with a…
Lentil Stew with a Moroccan Twist
Hey there! Today I want to let you in on the secret to another recipe I prepared the previous Sunday for the thank you dinner, which I mentioned in my post about the Berry Semifreddo. Today the absolutely delicious Moroccan inspired lentil stew, I created has the honour to be released on my…
Grecian inspired Eggplant Zucchini Casserole
Hey there! Today I had to make dinner for my sister and I. We felt the urge to eat something Grecian inspired, to match with the summery weather we were gifted with during the past days. Hence I made the decision to prepare my eggplant zucchini casserole. I know another eggplant side dish, but they…