Hey there! Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin. Fanny loves pumpkin. As a matter of fact Fanny loves pumpkin for every meal of the day. Yes for every single one of them. Even breakfast. What breakfast? That is probably what you’re thinking to yourself, right? Well guess what pumpkin isn’t delicious in savoury dishes like soups and stews…
The one and only real pumpkin soup
Hey there! Remember what I said in my last post? You know the one about the fig focaccia. What was it again I thought would go so perfectly with this delicious bread creation of mine? Exactly pumpkin soup. But I am not talking about any ordinary pumpkin soup here. When I say pumpkin…
Quince and Chestnut Ragout with homemade sage Gnocchi
Hey there! It is Sunday. Already. This means half of my autumn holiday is over and I should start thinking about school again, goodness I’ve only got another 259 days left until I’ll dive into the real world. Who knows what I’ll be doing then. Besides feeling sorry for myself for having to go…