Auch wenn ich meine Bachelorarbeit nun endlich abgegeben habe und nun nur noch auf das beste hoffen kann, soll es für den Semesterendspurt ein weiteres Nachmittagssnackrezept geben. Dieses Mal ist es jedoch weihnachtlich angehaucht und erinnert beinahe an einen leckeren Weihnachtskeks. Um vollkommen ehrlich zu sein, fiel es mir jedoch schwer, das heutige Rezept zu…
Buckwheat Breakfast Bake / Blueberries & Almond
Hey there, Whenever I visit my sister at my mum’s house she asks me to bake something for here, which I gladly do as the kitchen at my mum’s house is much bigger than mine. However, they usually don’t stock up on dates, different nuts, cacao nibs and nut butters, which makes it difficult to…
Stuffed Dates / Lipton After Dinner Tea (Ad)
Hey there, Let me introduce you to my daily evening routine. I have tea almost every night after dinner, a habit I acquired while living in Australia, as my host parents used to always end their night with a freshly brewed cup of tea. They didn’t get me to have black tea though, I…