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Süsskartoffe-Kürbis Stampf / Tahini
Also, die Sache ist so: Ich möchte diesen Post heute veröffentlichen, aber ich bin viel zu müde, um was interessantes zu schreiben, da ich den ganzen Nachmittag an einer Präsentation über Lateinamerikanische Kunst gearbeitet habe. Darum heute nur ein Rezept, dafür ein unglaublich leckeres. Unten findest du das Rezept zu meinem Süsskartoffe-Kürbis Stampf mit Tahini….
Gebackene Pastinaken & Birnen / Rosmarin
Ich muss zugeben, dass heutige Gemüse Rezept ist farblich eher uninteressant. Dafür ist die Kombination von süsser Birne und der herb nussigen Pastinake einfach wunderbar. Dazu frischer Rosmarin und man hat eine wunderbare Gemüsebeilage. Die drei Komponenten harmonieren unglaublich gut und passen perfekt zu jeglichen Winter und Herbst Gerichten. Gebackene Pastinaken & Birnen / Rosmarin…
Roasted Beet Chips / Horseradish & White Beans
Hey there, I’ve never disliked beets, however, the moment I tried roasted beets for the first time I quickly grew to absolutely love them. You might have even read this story before, if you’ve been following me for a while. My love for roasted beets dates back to my exchange in down under. So a…
Curry Kale Salad / Parsnip & Carrot
Hey there, As you might have noticed this month of recipes is rather root veggie heavy as well that’s really the only thing available. And of course anything cabbage like such as red cabbage, white cabbage and of course my personal favourite and daily visitor on my plate, mister kale. Yes I am an…
Kale Caesar Salad / Tempeh Bacon & Hemp Seed
Hey there, For today’s recipe I want to share the most deeeelicious creamy salad dressing I have come up with so far. I decided to use it in a vegan kale Caesar salad to which I added homemade tempeh bacon and roasted almonds. Hempseed make any dressing better! My delicious dressing actually consists of…
Root Veggie Mash / Cleriac, Turnip & Parsnip Root
Hey there! For today’s recipe, aka the second recipe of my #februarysfifteen challenge, I decided to share one of the recipes I have come up with over Christmas. This Christmas I was in charge of the kitchen hence we had a fully plantbased Christmas dinner. However, I wanted this to be amazing and different…
Wintery Farro Salad / Orange, Cavolo Nero & Almonds
Hey there, This is another recipe I just created from the things I got at the market. I sometimes go to the market with a recipe in mind other times I just go without a plan or a shopping list and get whatever looks appealing. Last week happened to be one of the latter occasions….
Roasted Carrots / Tahini and Sriracha
Hey there, So today I’m going to take you through the creation of a recipe. Are you ready? Let the story begin… So imagine me, Fanny, preparing a random lunch out of all of the leftover veggies I’ve got sitting in the fridge. I am baking some carrots, sautéing a tiny little baby eggplant, glazing…
Stuffed Pumpkin / Mushrooms, Leek and Pomegranate Seeds
Hey there, Anyone looking for a perfect autumn dinner recipe? How about this mushroom stuffed pumpkin with walnuts, kale and pomegrabate? Delicious recipe for your autumn dinner paerty! This tasty recipe makes the perfect dish to cook for guests or a dinner party which also makes it a perfect dish for the festive season that…