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Baked goods
Weihnachtliche Nusscookies (AD)
Auch wenn ich meine Bachelorarbeit nun endlich abgegeben habe und nun nur noch auf das beste hoffen kann, soll es für den Semesterendspurt ein weiteres Nachmittagssnackrezept geben. Dieses Mal ist es jedoch weihnachtlich angehaucht und erinnert beinahe an einen leckeren Weihnachtskeks. Um vollkommen ehrlich zu sein, fiel es mir jedoch schwer, das heutige Rezept zu…
Vegane Zimtsterne / Weihnachtsguetzli
Fürs heutige Backrezept habe ich mich für eine vegane Variante meines Lieblings Weihnachtsguetzlis entschieden und zwar sind das Zimtsterne. Vegane Zimtsterne, das geht? Vermutlich fragst du dich gerade genau diese Frage, denn die süssen Sterne bestehen sozusagen nur aus Eiweiss. Kennst du dich aber mit der veganen Küche aus hast du bestimmt auch schon…
Cranberry Pistazien Tahini Kekse / #swissxmasbaking18
Zusammen mit meiner Schweizer Foodie Gang habe ich entschieden ein kleines Weihnachtsbackprojekt zu lancieren, #swisschristmasbaking18. Über die nächsten Wochen werden wir unsere Lieblings Weihnachtsgebäcke mit euch teilen. Einige Rezepte werden eher traditionell sein, andere völlig neu erfunden, wir werden sehen. Eines jedoch wird immer zu treffen, alle Rezepte sind plantbased aka vegan. Bevor ich…
Pumpkin Walnut Cookies with Choc Buttons
Hey there, Last week I asked you on my Instagram what kind of recipe you’d like for this week and people were asking for another pumpkin recipe, so here you go. Let’s have something sweet: Pumpkin Walnut Cookies with Choc Buttons I decided to go with something sweet for this week’s recipes. I…
Buckwheat Breakfast Bake / Blueberries & Almond
Hey there, Whenever I visit my sister at my mum’s house she asks me to bake something for here, which I gladly do as the kitchen at my mum’s house is much bigger than mine. However, they usually don’t stock up on dates, different nuts, cacao nibs and nut butters, which makes it difficult to…
Oaty Brownie Bites / Hazelnut & Dark Chocolate
Hey there, Who doesn’t love chocolate? Well I sure do and I’ve been having a real chocolate craving recently. I’ve also been loving the combination of chocolate and hazelnuts recently, well actually for a long time, which is why I decided to pair the two and create a delicious and healthy treat. Friend approved! This…
Buckwheat Spelt Bread / Linseeds, Pumpkin Seeds and Sunflower Seeds
Hey there, So, in my family I am actually not the only foodie or person who enjoys cooking and trying new recipes. I am just the only one that brings them to paper and publishes those foop experiments on the regular. My foodie family. My wonderful sister who is my one and only and who…
Granola / Peanut Butter and Jelly
Hey there, I haven’t actually written nor tested a recipe in two weeks until yesterday due to being so busy with studying for my last exam of the semester. Having this little break of shooting and writing recipes, however, wasn’t such a bad thing after all. I was actually very demotivated after Christmas and I…
Apple Hazelnut Tart
Hey there, I am wearing turtle-neck sweaters on the daily, I’ve swapped my birkenstocks for my veeery worn out Chelsea boots and instead of swimming in the lake and reading books for pleasure, I am spending my time in lectures, listening to lecturers talking about different artists, reading texts on various topics evolving around art…