Sucht noch jemand nach einem last-minute veggie Weihnachtsgericht? Wie wärs mit einem gefüllten Butternusskürbis m it Buchweizen-Pilz-Füllung und Pistazien? Der gefüllte Butternuss ist eine perfekte Alternative für einen Braten und passt perfekt zu Ofengemüse, Kartoffelpuree und einer veganen Bratensauce. Eine leckere Sauce findest du auf Fooby. Gefüllter Butternuss Kürbis / Buchweizen & Pilze …
Creamiger Kürbis Pasta Auflauf
Creamiger Kürbis Pasta Auflauf Save Print Prep time 20 mins Cook time 20 mins Total time 40 mins Serves: 3-4 Ingredients Sauce: 1 cup Kürbispuree 2 El Hefeflocken 1 rote Zwiebel, feingehackt 4 Knoblauchzehen, feingehackt 4 Salbeiblätter, feingehackt 2dl Wasser 1dl Pflanzenmilch, ungesüsst (z.b. Kokosmilch, Sojamilch) Pfeffer Salz Chiliflocken Pasta: 200g Dinkelspirelli…
Bulgur Breakfast Bowls / 2 Ways
Hey there, University has just started again, which also means I have less time to spend in the kitchen and I should be spending more time in the library and of course in lectures and seminars. As my days at uni usually start later I mostly do not finish before 6 at night. I…
Roasted Purple Veggies / Purple Potatoes, Cabbage & Hazelnuts / Kale Miso Pesto
Hey there, Today was another #guesstherecipe day on my Instagram, where I posted a series of three photos and got people to guess the recipe. Some of you might have come from there, others have probably stumbled across this on Pinterest and a few of you might be subscribed to my blog and got…
Autumn Minestrone / Pumpkin & Sweet Potato
Hey there, Despite the fact that it is incredibly warm today I am still going to post this very autumnal soup recipe as I am pretty sure that the colder days will be back in no time. I love soups and stews in autumn and winter and minestrone has always been a fave of mine….
Apple Hazelnut Tart
Hey there, I am wearing turtle-neck sweaters on the daily, I’ve swapped my birkenstocks for my veeery worn out Chelsea boots and instead of swimming in the lake and reading books for pleasure, I am spending my time in lectures, listening to lecturers talking about different artists, reading texts on various topics evolving around art…