Herbstliches Gemüse Chili / Butternuss, Pastinake und Süsskartoffel Save Print Prep time 15 mins Cook time 35 mins Total time 50 mins Author: Fanny Frey Recipe type: Dinner Cuisine: plantbased Serves: 4 Ingredients 1 rote Zwiebel, feingehackt 1 Knoblauchzehe, feingehackt 1 El eingelegte Jalapenos, feingehackt 1 Tl Kreuzkümmel 1 Tl Geräuchertes…
Pumpkin Walnut Cookies with Choc Buttons
Hey there, Last week I asked you on my Instagram what kind of recipe you’d like for this week and people were asking for another pumpkin recipe, so here you go. Let’s have something sweet: Pumpkin Walnut Cookies with Choc Buttons I decided to go with something sweet for this week’s recipes. I…
Creamiger Kürbis Pasta Auflauf
Creamiger Kürbis Pasta Auflauf Save Print Prep time 20 mins Cook time 20 mins Total time 40 mins Serves: 3-4 Ingredients Sauce: 1 cup Kürbispuree 2 El Hefeflocken 1 rote Zwiebel, feingehackt 4 Knoblauchzehen, feingehackt 4 Salbeiblätter, feingehackt 2dl Wasser 1dl Pflanzenmilch, ungesüsst (z.b. Kokosmilch, Sojamilch) Pfeffer Salz Chiliflocken Pasta: 200g Dinkelspirelli…
Bulgur Breakfast Bowls / 2 Ways
Hey there, University has just started again, which also means I have less time to spend in the kitchen and I should be spending more time in the library and of course in lectures and seminars. As my days at uni usually start later I mostly do not finish before 6 at night. I…
Asian Noodle Salad / Coriander Basil Dressing
Hey there, I just remembered that I completely forgot to post the recipe to this amazingly delicious and fresh noodle salad. So before summer’s officially over I might as well share this recipe with you otherwise this definitely won’t be interesting anymore at least for anyone living in the Northern hemisphere. Summer is coming…
Quinoa Strawberry Salad / Creamy Basil Tahini Dressing
Hey there, So, I know I have been sort of slacking on here. Well you might already know this but I am actually a full-time student so doing Instagram, maintaining a blog, working and studying all at the same time is kind of impossible for me right now, hence the lack of posts on…
Breakfast sandwich two ways / why you should buy Swiss bread (AD)
Hey there, So today I am talking bread. As some of you might know, I’ve got very strong feelings about shopping as locally as possible and I sometimes get slightly angry when I see supermarkets advertising berry season in February or asparagus season in March. When it comes to fruit and veg supermarkets and…
Buckwheat Breakfast Bake / Blueberries & Almond
Hey there, Whenever I visit my sister at my mum’s house she asks me to bake something for here, which I gladly do as the kitchen at my mum’s house is much bigger than mine. However, they usually don’t stock up on dates, different nuts, cacao nibs and nut butters, which makes it difficult to…
Vegan Shakshuka / Recipe Reloaded
Oaty Brownie Bites / Hazelnut & Dark Chocolate
Hey there, Who doesn’t love chocolate? Well I sure do and I’ve been having a real chocolate craving recently. I’ve also been loving the combination of chocolate and hazelnuts recently, well actually for a long time, which is why I decided to pair the two and create a delicious and healthy treat. Friend approved! This…