Hey there!
It is now 8 p.m., Tuesday 21 of January 2016 and I just drank #FriendwithBenefit the last juice of my first ever juice cleanse. I survived, I survived a full day without solid food and after having a few ups and downs through out the day I actually feel pretty good.
But let’s start at the beginning of my first day of juicing. I got up at around 9 a.m. and when I went downstairs I saw that my juices had already arrived and they were sitting in my fridge ready to be drunk. I then decided to write a diary on how I felt during the day, so I could actually give you a decent impression on my experience.
So let me start with my day:
10a.m.I was feeling pretty hungry at that time, well I usually always have breakfast so no wonder my body was telling me to eat something. After taking a bunch of photos for my blog I then drank the first of the two shots, #HittheLime, followed by the first juice #ChiaGlow, a mixture of beetroot, pineapple, chia seeds and carrot. I actually felt pretty satisfied after having my first juice and I wasn’t even that hungry anymore, I guess the chia seeds kind of filled me up.
12p.m.The next two hours went by in no time and I was ready to have my second shot, #GingerFire as well as another juice #GreenElixir. Luckily all the green juices did not contain any seller as I absolutely detest that veggie, yuck! This first green juice of the day was made of spinach, ginger, cucumber, apple and spirulina. Super delicious and thanks to the cucumber extremely refreshing.
1p.m. After feeling refreshed and fit after my last juice, I started feeling super down and I got a headache and I seriously never get headaches… I literally felt like I wouldn’t be able to handle this day without food. However, then I remembered that I also had a almond mylk included in my package so I went downstairs and enjoyed The Classic almond mylk. I have tasted this mylk previously and I loved it so having it right then feeling like shit made it taste even more amazing and I actually felt quite a bit better afterwards.
3.30p.m. just finished my driving lesson and I actually could concentrate pretty well and I didn’t make any mistakes despite the fact I hadn’t eaten solid food all day. I was also feeling much better than two hours earlier. I then had my third juice #OnKale while sitting on the train to Zurich as I had a meeting there in the late afternoon. This was another green juice, luckily another on e without celery! I actually just checked on www.heylife.ch and found out that none of their juices contain celery, so yaaay for that!! Anyways you might even like celery and wanted to drink seller juice so badly, oh well bad for you. Though I’m sure you won’t mind as soon as you realise how delicious those juices are.
7p.m.Unfortunately I couldn’t quite keep to the schedule HEYLIFE suggested as I didn’t get home till 7 so I just had my two last juices basically right after each other. I started of my “dinner” with #Mastercleanse and then went straight ahead to drink my last juice of the day #FriendwithBenefit.
And now? Now, I am sitting in my bed, a cup of tee on my bedside table and writing down my impressions from this day of cleansing. Right now I am feeling pretty good, I am actually not even hungry, however I am looking forward to breakfast tomorrow morning.
8p.m. So all in all I can say that I enjoyed my one day juice cleanse with HEYLIFE juices. The juices were all delicious. #FriendwithBenefit was definitely my favourite, cause I looooove carrot juice, weird I know, but seriously, isn’t carrot juice so tasty? Oh and let’s not forget the almond mylk, HEYLIFE almond mylks are seriously the best I have ever tasted and trust me I have tasted many. They’re creamy, sweet, aaah amazing! Ok, I shouldn’t have started thinking about almond mylk, now I want another one. Damn it! Anyways I’ll continue writing this post tomorrow so I can give my final judgement and a little insight into HEYLIFE juices cause I am actually really tired.
11p.m. Ok, headaches back, stomach’s growling and I feel like shit, to be honest. I know I could just be like F*** it I’m gonna eat something, nobody would know and I could still be writing this review. However, I like to actually give you a genuine insight into my detox day. Plus I am someone who always finishes what they started. I am pretty consequent when it comes to this kind of stuff. If I do something I do it all the way otherwise I just don’t even start. Anyways as I couldn’t sleep and I had to distract myself somehow, yet reading or watching TV wasn’t an option, thanks to my headache. So I ended up cleaning up my room, oh well it had to be done anyways, so yaay for that little boost of productiveness in the middle of the night. Then I passed out cause as I said I was actually pretty tired I just couldn’t sleep beforehand.
The day after:
9.00a.m. I am pretty hungry. Imagine coming home after a night-out being pretty hangover and super hungry, that’s probably the state of hungriness I was experiencing, however, without the headache and the urge to eat all the junk in reach. I was actually just feeling like pretty simple food. I honestly thought I would want to be eating everything I never crave regularly, but all I wanted was a bowl of fruit and granola.
As to how my body felt, I can say my stomach has probably never looked that flat before, which was kind of strange. So I guess one could say the juice did its job of flushing all the bad stuff out. My headache was gone as well and I was feeling pretty good. So after all it wasn’t that bad and thanks to the amazing taste of the HEYLIFE juices I actually also enjoyed the majority of my little detox experience. I was always so excited to taste the next juice cause they were all sooo yumm!!
- Taste: Amazing! –
I personally adore the HEYLIFE juices, they are all individually as tasty, howver I must admit that their mylks are probably my favourites! And guess what, they’re now even available at Globus delicatessa all over Switzerland so I don’t even have to order my fave almond mylks online anymore.
- Price: CHF 75.00 – (plus delivery)
I personally love that HEYLIFE offers a one-day juice cleanse that is also pretty affordable. I mean longer juice cleanses can get pretty pricey rather quickly. I personally think 75.- is definitely a justifiable sum for doing something good to your body in return.
- Delivery: Perfectly on time –
The juices were delivered in a cute HEYLIFE delivery bag and they arrived perfectly in time, a week after I ordered them and on the exact date I requested them to be at my house.
- Where are the ingredients for the juices from? – mostly local
HEYLIFE obtains most of their fruit and vegetables from local vegetable growers. Big plus for that from my side!!
HEYLIFE is a Zurich based start-up that specialises in producing cold-pressed juices. They offer a wide variety of different juices and freshly made almond mylks (yes, I’ll say it again, their almond mylks are THE BEST). The juices can be ordered individually or in form of a juice cleanse of which they offer four different ones, which you can all do for either one, two or three days. Their products are available in their online shop or in a couple of places in Zurich. The mylks for example have just been introduced at Globus delicatessa. Click here for more information about HEYLIFE and their juices.
Now to the most important question , would I recommend doing a juice cleanse with HEYLIFE juices? And who do I recommend it to? So, I personally think doing a juice cleanse is perfect for anyone who wants to flush out their system and maybe change up their lifestyle a little bit. I mean I already eat pretty healthfully but I can imagine that it can help trying to start including more veggies and fruit into your daily eating routine by kick-starting your elimination of bad habits with a little cleanse. Something that might not have anything to do with juice cleansing itself is that it also made me realise how lucky I can be that I can go into my kitchen and get food whenever I want to. I never have to be hungry, I never have to wait for the next day to hopefully have some solid food. I know I technically still ate food yet for me it just didn’t feel like I was actually eating. So all things considered I really enjoyed my juice cleanse experience, it was definitely a challange but I would also not mind doing it again.
So, people, I guess that’s it. Sorry for the really long post but I just wanted to make this post as authentic and helpful as possible hence I didn’t just write: The juices are delicious, go buy them. Bye!
Well I’m still gonna say bye now, at least for now.
VERY COOL! And great idea with the diary! You motivate me to do this tomorrow as well. Let’s see 😛
Hehe yaayy!! Good luck girl, you can do this!! 😀