Hey there!
Have you heard of #pancakesunday? Well I assume if you are foodie like me and if you happen to follow numerous food accounts on Instagram probably have, haven’t you?
In case you are unfamiliar with Instagram (In know my mum and my aunt are and I am pretty sure they occasionally read my blog posts…) So anyways, as I said in case your unfamiliar with Instagram let me explain. Instagram is a social media platform on which you can upload photos and you can tag those photos with whatever you like basically, though you would usually and logically choose hashtags (hashtag=#) that actually match you picture. So on every Sunday the mentioned hashtag seems to be super popular and everyone in the food community is having pancakes for Sunday brunch.
On another note, why does my word programme not recognise the word Instagram?!
Anyways back to the pancakes.
I actually didn’t follow that trend for the longest time, partially because I couldn’t manage to cook delicious pancakes hence I obviously much rather stuck to my smoothie bowl or muesli instead of having a massive cooking fail to start of my Sunday which should be relaxing and not nerve-wracking , right?
Yet a couple of weeks ago I decided to finally face the challenge and create delicious pancakes and ever since my Sunday mornings ended in super creative pancake breakfasts. Fig pancakes, blueberry lemon pancakes, pink beetroot pancakes…
Today’s creation ended up a seasonal one so I decided the time to finally share a pancake recipe on here has arrived. I prepared a delicious batch of pumpkin pancakes this morning. I know, another pumpkin recipe, I am so sorry, but I just really really like pumpkin, I like it a lot actually, well I might be slightly obsessed…
So here you have it my first and probably not last pancake recipe. This recipe makes 12 pancakes, which makes enough for 2 people if you add some fruit on the side.
For 12 small pancakes
- 100g pureed pumpkin
- 50g buckwheat flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 4 tbs soy yoghurt
- 8 tbs sparkling water
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- coconut oil for frying
- optional: agave, maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar
- Add pumpkin puree, buckwheat flour, baking powder, soy yoghurt, sparkling water, cinnamon and baking powder as well as a sweetener if you like to add one into a mixing bowl.
- Mix until well combined and your pancake batter has become smooth.
- Heat up some coconut oil in a pan (I usually put some on a paper towel and just rub my pan with it as I don’t like super greasy pancakes).
- When your pan has heated up add about 1 tablespoon of batter into the pan, lower the heat to medium high. Wait until you can see small bubbles and then flip your pancakes.
- Repeat until you’ve got no batter left. If you stick to the one tablespoon a pancake rule you should end up with approximately 12 small pancakes.
- Top with whatever Ingredients you like. I used some passion fruit pulp, toasted hazelnuts, goji berries and agave. I also had some baked banana and apples on the side.
Voila, Sunday morning brunch done! So autumnal, so easy, so tasty!
Can only suggest you try having pancakes for your Sunday morning brunch. It is seriously the best way to start off a relaxing day.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
Hi Fanny
Verfolge deinen Blog in unregelmässigen Abständen und bewundere immer wieder die tollen Fotos. Könntest du mal einen “making of” Beitrag schreiben? Welche Kamera/ Objektive benutzt du? Lichtquelle? Was machst du mit den vielen Lebensmitteln nachdem du die Fotos gemacht hast? Kannst ja wohl kaum alles alleine essen?;) Oder auch Deko Lebensmittel, die übrig bleiben?
Fände es sehr interessant, mal “hinter die Kulisse” schauen zu dürfen 🙂
Weiter so!!
lg Lara
Hi Lara! Es freut mich, zu hören, dass du meinem Blog gerne folgst. Ich habe mir zwar noch nie überlegt so einen Post zu machen , aber eine Überlegung ist es definitiv wert. Immerhin jemand würde es ja interessieren:) Zu der Frage mit den Lebensmitteln kann ich aber sagen, dass ich noch bei meiner Mama lebe und meine Schwester ist auch noch da, also da wird immer alles aufgegessen. Die Demo Lebensmittel sind ja meistens Sachen die sich sowieso auch auf meinem Teller befinden, dann tue ich die eben auch noch drauf. Ich bin da nicht so heikel, ich meine die waren ja vorher bloss auf meinem Tisch. Aber fortwerfen tue ich generell nichts, bin auch absolut dagegen Essen fortzuwerfen, find ich totalen Blödsinn. Im Moment bin ich ziemlich beschäftigt mit Uni aber ich nehme mir vor mal einen behind the scenes post zu machen , danke für die Idee:) lg Fanny
These look so good! Just wondered about why you add sparkling water? Always love an ingredient tip!
Thank you!! I feel like they turn out fluffier by adding sparkling water but I’m sure you could use normal water as well:)